When I first started making cards and tags , after I received my first cricut, I was always a little hesitant as to what and how much I added to them. Then I started experimenting, by adding a little more than I usually do,and I had a sense of deja vu, which ultimately was the key to finding a more comfortable place with my designing. I realized that when I started adding more things, it was like making collages at school. Things my instructors had said , seemed to apply here. One Art Professor, told us to pay attention to the negative space as well. Was it pleasing, did it make interesting spatial shapes. Also, one mentioned that in nature, you usually come across small groupings. Groupings of plants, fish, stones, etc. I found that things seemed more grounded and appealing when I made small groupings rather than just throwing one object lone and barren onto the piece I am working on. Now, instead of just collecting individual embellishments, I am actually grouping it, in the spirit of collaging, and found when the elements are coordinated like this, I can add more stuff, and somehow , it all comes together. So now, as I approach a project, I put my create mojo into a collage mentality, and I am more confident as I bring my handiwork to life. The pics are simple examples, which hopefully will convey my new mindset. Normally, I would just have thrown these elements into a box, feather, flower,bling, jewelery, paper, but now I arrange them and place them "staged" into shoebox or tray. I really like to use the camera on the cell, to shoot arrangements I like, and then use them as a guide, when I am glueing or arranging the composition. Many times, when picking up pieces before, to adhere, I would loose my original design and would have to replace it with a second choice.
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